Department of Social Justice Education


The School of Social Justice Education (SJE) on the 12th floor of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto went through a complete renovation in 2024. I worked with architects ward99 to create graphics of plant species which are permanently installed on glass and walls throughout the space.

Featured plant species include cedar, tobacco, barley, and sage — plants which have ceremonial and cultural significance to different peoples around the world. From ward99: “The renovation thoughtfully integrates finishes, materials, and murals with ceremonial plants, representing a deep respect for the cultural significance of these elements to both Indigenous and Black students. The design reflects the collective vision of the department, ensuring the space is meaningful and welcoming to the diverse SJE community.”

Consultation with the client informed a series of designs that were subtle, calming, and complimentary to the surrounding architectural finishes.

Photography by Riley Snelling.


Curation — The JOY Exhibition


Book — Muscle Memory